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Практический семинар продемонстрирует, как платформа IBM Blockchain может быть использована для разработки blockchain-приложений.
IBM приглашает на семинар "Практический блокчейн", который состоится 21 ноября 2018 г. в офисе IBM (Москва, Пресненская наб, 10).
Blockchain receives nowadays a great amount of interests. Blockchain can bring value to various industries, like Healthcare, Retail or Manufacturing.
The first part of the session provides a complete introduction to this topic. it explains the technology concepts, but also focus on use cases, business values and adoption patterns.
It presents IBMs value proposition with IBM Blockchain Platform, clarifying how our offering can help partners to move forward and be successful.
the second part of the session is a introduction of Hyperledger Fabric foundation of Blockchain platform. During labs, you will discuss the business value and adoption patterns of private Blockchain networks. You will then learn how to set Hyperledger based Blockchain network. You will learn how to launch such a network and how to use the features provided by IBM.
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